2014年8月5日 星期二

Option H2: Digestion

H.2.1 State that digestive juices are secreted into the alimentary canal by glands, including salivary glands, gastric glands in the stomach wall, the pancreas and the wall of the small intestine

H.2.2 Explain the structural features of exocrine gland cells

H.2.3 Compare the composition of saliva, gastric juice and pancreatic juice

H.2.4 Outline the control of digestive juice secretion by nerves and hormones, using the example of secretion of gastric juice

H.2.5 Outline the role of membrane-bound enzymes on the surface of epithelial cells in the small intestine in digestion

H.2.6 Outline the reason for cellulose not being digested in the alimentary canal

H.2.7 Explain why pepsin and trypsin are initially synthesized as inactive precursors and how they are subsequently activated

H.2.8 Discuss the roles of gastric acid and Helicobacter pylori in the development of stomach uclers and stomach cancers

H.2.9 Explain the problem of lipid digestion in a hydrophilic medium and the role of bile in overcoming this

